NAK Benefiz Auktion 2022

Saturday 10 December 2022
7 — 11 PM

11 December — 15 December 2022

NAK Benefit Auction 2022

Vernissage: December 10, 2022, 7 – 11 p.m.
Exhibition: December 11 – 15, 2022, 2 – 8 p.m.
Guided tours: December 12 – 15, 2022, 7 p.m. each day.

Preview: Please click the following button for the preview of all works in the online and on site auction:

On-site auction: December 17, 2022, 7 p.m. on site at NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein. Click here for the auction catalog with all the works that will be auctioned on-site:

In advance we gladly accept written bids on all works of the on-site auction. Please send them by mail to

Form for written bids.

Online auction: December 12 – 18, 2022 at Click here for the online auction:


NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein cordially invites you to this year’s Benefit Auction in December 2022 under the patronage of Prof. Henrik Hanstein (Kunsthaus Lempertz, Cologne).


This year’s auction will take place both on-site and digitally. The online auction will begin on Monday, December 12 and end on Sunday, December 18. Late Sunday afternoon or evening, the works offered will run on a delayed basis, with the highest bid then winning. If a bid is placed on a work in the last 5 minutes, its running time is automatically extended once by a further 3 minutes. During this time, any number of new bids can be submitted, but the running time will then no longer be extended. After successfully bidding for a work, you will receive an invoice from us for the purchase; payment via the auction site used by the NAK is deactivated and therefore not possible. After payment (bank transfer or payment on site) we will ship the work or it can be picked up at the NAK by prior arrangement.

If you have problems registering on the auction website or have any other questions, please contact the NAK in advance by phone or email. Any accounts already created in previous years may have to be re-created by the bidders, as the old accounts will be deleted in case of inactivity.

On December 17 at 7 p.m., additional works by Prof. Hanstein that are not offered digitally will be auctioned on site at the Kunstverein. Registration for the auction is possible on site from 6 p.m. onwards; written bids can be submitted in advance for the works to be auctioned that evening, and it is also possible to register in advance as a telephone bidder at


Furthermore, we will present all works to be auctioned in an exhibition on site at the Kunstverein. The exhibition will open on December 10 from 7 – 11 pm. Viewings will be available daily thereafter until December 15; NAK will be open on those days from 2 – 8 pm. NAK will be closed on December 16.


We will also present all works digitally as previews via our social media, namely Instagram and Facebook. All works of the participating artists can be found here bit by bit in the preview: to the preview.

Guided tours

From December 13 to 15, guided tours will take place at 7 pm each day, during which the exhibits and participating artists will be introduced to interested parties.

Participating artists

Soufiane Ababri, Emma Adler, Havin Al-Sindy, Albrecht / Wilke, Florian Auer, Eliza Ballesteros, Arno Beck, Boris Becker, Rebekka Benzenberg, Johannes Bendzulla, Nils Bleibtreu, Ton Boelhouwer, Eugenie Bongs-Beer, Claudia Breuer, Lars Breuer, Dennis Buck, Valentin Cafuk, Keren Cytter, Zuzanna Czebatul, Andreas Diefenbach, Matthias Dornfeld, Joëlle Dubois, Philip Emde, Jonas Fahrenberger, Fleckstein/ Dworczyk, Carsten Fock, Bertrand Fournier, Albrecht Fuchs, Jan Gerngross, Jakob Gilg, Andreas Greiner, Selma Gültoprak, Constantin Hartenstein, Ilka Helmig, Petra Herzog, Marcel Hiller, Benedikt Hipp, Jan Hoeft, Jonas Höschl, Olga Jakob, Christof John, Eleni Kamma, Andy Kassier, Ben Kaufmann, Christian Keinstar, Thomas Kellner, René Kemp, Daniel Kiss, Alfons Knogl, Tina Kohlmann, Konstitutiv der Möglichkeiten, Jody Korbach, Hanna Körner, Hans W. Krämer, Thomas Kratz, Sholem Krishtalka, Tom Król, Michael Kunze, Wolfgang Kupczyk, Alwin Lay, Lukas Luzius Leichtle, Anna Ley, Christine Liebich, Lukas Liese, Arthur Löwen, Timur Lukas, Martin Maeller, Mike Meiré, Marie Meyer, Marianne Mispelaëre, Jonathan Monk, Bastian Muhr, Thomas Musehold, Moritz Neuhoff, Anna Nero, Murat Önen, Bea Otto, Luc Palmer, Nicolas Pelzer, Andreas Plum, Sabrina Podemski, Lorenzo Pompa, Anys Reimann, Bernd Ribbeck, Johanna Reich, Johanna Roderburg, Markus Saile, Laurentius Sauer, Morgaine Schäfer, Laura Schawelka, Marius Schillak, Lukas Schmenger, Florian Schmidt, Natascha Schmitten, Berit Schneidereit, Franca Scholz, Ulrike Schulze, Oliver Sieber, Katharina Stadler, Studio for Propositional Cinema, Katja Stuke, Sarah Szczesny, Britta Thie, TILO&TONI, Thomas Virnich, Winfried Virnich, Anke Völk, Karl von Monschau, Mateusz von Motz, Marta Vovk, Valentin Wagner, Marcel Walldorf, Johannes Tassilo Walter, Nicholas Warburg, Thomas Weidenhaupt, Christoph Westermeier, Achim Franz Willems, David Benedikt Wirth, Johannes Wohnseifer, Esther Zahel

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