How reliable is the brain?

With regard to interdisciplinary discourses content- and mediawise the work of Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven is to be explored as a widely unknown and most significant reference – given her long term multimedia investigations from the mid 1970s to 2004. It reflects a deep consciousness for the mental human state. Lead by scientific and philosophic theories it points on border lines in our concept of individualistic modern being, unfolding female and male modes of alienation, compensation, conquest, gaps and anxieties in our human existence.

The Twodo Collection acquired a significant series of Anne-Mie van Kerckhovens works and thereby responds to an actual ‚set up’ of Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven’s working process – declared by the artist herself as her very start of „presentation”: All working series, drawings, animations, films, and installations are just now, after 29 years of continiuous work, set up for their function as a complete – multilayered and most complex – artistic argument.